Keeping In Touch

                To keep you fully informed, we have the following ways of passing on information:

Notice Board - This is regularly updated and contains a copy of our Registration Certificate, Liability Insurance details, the latest newsletter, notices, themes etc.


Newsletter - Issued monthly, this gives details of news, themes, events, fundraising activities and term dates. It is usually emailed out, but paper copies are available too.
The latest newsletter can also be accessed on our Facebook page and on the website click here

Blackboard - Each day, we put a blackboard outside before picking up time, with details of activities that the children have been able to take part in. You can use the information on here to find out what your child has been up to at Playgroup!


Website -This contains copies of recent newsletters, term dates and other useful information.

Facebook - Gives details of activities and events and our theme for the week, along with photos of some of our activities and crafts. The comments are usually turned off, except during an occasional live session, which is monitored by staff members.

Open Sessions
We try to hold one open session each term, which gives you the opportunity to come and spend time with your child in the setting, seeing what they get up to; looking through and contributing to their Leaning Journal. Staff are also on hand to discuss any issues or concerns you may have and to talk through your child's development with you.

" We both love the opportunities to attend together, really helping bridge the gap between home and pre-school"   (Parent Feedback, July 2023)

Parent Appointments - Pre-arranged times for you to come in and talk to your child's key person, look at and contribute to their Leaning Journal and an opportunity to share concerns and achievements. If parents are unable to attend, it is usually possible to take your child's Learning Journal home to look at.

What's App - This is a new way for us to share photographs of your children's progress and achievements, which we will have been trialling since Covid.

Parents Folder - This is available every day the setting is open, for parents to look through. It contains information about the setting, all the setting's policies, details about the committee, as well as useful information and leaflets about children's development in all areas of learning, which you may find useful, in order to support your child at home.
