Our Stay and Play session runs on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon,
12.30pm - 2.30pm, term time only. No need to book, just turn up. 
" I enjoy the Stay and Play with my son" Parent Leaver, 2021

 "The Play and Stay groups have been my saviour. I've met some life long friends and had so many wonderful times with you all" Stay and Play parent, 2020

"Walking into Toddler group that day, pregnant and very scared, I never thought I would end up with the most amazing friends for life!" Stay and Play Parent, 2020

Penhill Playgroup currently runs a Stay and Play (parent, carer and toddler group) once a week, on a Tuesday and Friday, 12.30pm - 2.30pm, term time only, for a small charge. (£2 per session for the first child and an additional 50p for each extra child you bring). It provides an opportunity for mums/dads and carers to enjoy meeting others in a friendly and safe environment. Refreshments are provided for both adults and children and Playgroup staff are on hand to ensure the group runs smoothly. However, children are the responsibility of their parents and carers during these sessions.

Activities may include playdough, sand, books, small cars and garage, ride on toys, painting, puzzles, and some arts and crafts. These sessions also provide opportunities for the Playgroup to fundraise and regular cake sales and table sales of second hand clothes, books, toys etc. take place and are well supported.

We have found that children who have come to Stay and Play, settle into Playgroup well because they become familiar with the setting, staff and other children.

Stay and Play Newsletter December 2024

For more information on how we are ensuring our group remains Covid safe, please read through our Stay and Play Risk Assessment.

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